Well after canceling the series I wanted to make and then going on a several month hiatus, I've finally dipped my hands back into flash.
I never realized how tough it is to pick up flash after a long break, I feel like I'm re-learning a lot of the things I learned as a n00b. However, I have pretty much gotten the feel of animating again, and it feels good.
My current project is a Valentine's Day flash for my loving girlfriend, Melissa. I know, seems like a lot of time to set aside for one project right? Well I tend to procrastinate, and when I do start doing things, I tend to have a bit of OCD and correct little things several times.
So by giving myself about 6 months notice I can be sure to get this one done for Valentine's day.
Pic Unrelated; but it is my new forum sig. If you have never seen that flash, be sure to do so at http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
277262. It's a classic.
geez, everyone is canceling their series.
I guess that's all we need sometimes, is a little break.