Well, this will be the first time I've posted news to the front page.
Anyway, There are a couple new collabs I'm involved with, (yes, I'm a collab whore).
There is the Beer Collab 2, An offspring to my Beer Collab, Led by Yoink instead this time.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/76 5168
You need a 3.5 Batting Average to join this one though.
There is also the Funny Little Feeling Collab, Led by doomshock.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/76 2323
This one is open to all, but you obviously need to make a good enough part.
And lastly, The BioShock collab led by Sekhem.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/76 4425
Honestly I Don't think I'll be as involved with this one, but I figured I'd show it some love.
Also, moved In April to different school district, but didn't transfer until now. School sucks in general, now I have to go into a completely new school knowing no one. Fun, Fun!
Hopefully taking my Road Test soon, wish me luck on that. Hope my car doesn't look like this after:
LOL...i like cars when they look like that....
As do we all my friend...