Ahh, Once again, It's Christmas time in old NG.
I decided to get in the old holiday spirit with a nice userpage update. The old Orange just doesn't go too well with the Blue NG buttons and icy feel around.
New Series
I've gotten a new concept for a series, and am actually going through with it.
THATS RIGHT NG! I'm actually gonna go through with this :O (scary). Its called 'Blood', based one the antics of 2 red blood cells in the veins, arteries, capillaries, and beyond of a man named Chuck.
I don't wanna give away too much yet, but the basic concept is kinda to portray the blood cells as white collar office workers going to work.
This is the basic character concept so far...
Dont make it like TooF though.
Cheektoghetto (Updated )
I don't think it will be anything like TooF.
For the love of god I hope it doesn't turn out like TooF